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Conference 2024 


Friday, October 18 - Saturday, October 19



Maliotis Cultural Center at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

50 Goddard Avenue

Brookline, MA 02445





Conference Paper Abstracts
Conference Program
Hotel Options 
Russian Church
Orthodox Canon Law Society of North America Inaugural Conference
Orthodox Canon Law Society of North America Inaugural Conference
Friday, October 18 - Saturday, October 19
Maliotis Cultural Center


2:00 – 5:00 pm
Atrium, Maliotis

6:30 – 8:00 pm
Book Exhibit
Holy Cross Orthodox Press
Atrium, Maliotis

6:30 – 8:00 pm
Opening Reception
Atrium, Maliotis


7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Atrium, Maliotis

7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Book Exhibit
Holy Cross Orthodox Press
Atrium, Maliotis


7:00 – 8:00 am
Atrium/Kafeneio, Maliotis

8:00 – 10:00 am
Session 1: New Vistas in Canonical Research
Theater, Maliotis
Chair: Joan Berg
Physical Disability and Priestly Ordination
John Chryssavgis, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Strait is the Gate: American Convert Groups’ Discovery of Orthodox Canon Law in the Twentieth Century
Greta Gaffin, Boston University
Thoughts on the Local Origins of Orthodox Jurisdiction in a Catholic Perspective
Xénia Sereghy, Katholische Privat-Universität Linz

10:00 – 10:15 am
Atrium, Maliotis

10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Session 2: Questions in North America
Theater, Maliotis
Chair: Patrick Viscuso
North American Eastern/Oriental Orthodox and Catholic Mixed Marriages: Next Steps?
Anthony Roeber, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
Reshaping Our Thoughts on Marriage: Finding Gaps in Orthodox Academia
James Purdie, Antiochian House of Studies
Gender and Ordination: Male and Female as Archic and Eucharistic Modes of Relation
Brian Patrick Mitchell, St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral (ROCOR), Washington, DC

12:15 – 2:00 pm
Lunch Break

12:15 – 2:00 pm
Lunch and Legal Discussion
Sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Attorney Network
Atrium, Maliotis

Confidentiality of Confession in the Orthodox Canonical Tradition
Justin Bosl, Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco

2:00 – 4:00 pm
Session 3A: Oriental Orthodox Conference Panel
Theater, Maliotis
Session Organizer: Mary Ghattas
Chair: Philip Zymaris

The Therapeutic Nature of Canon Law in the Oriental Orthodox Churches
Mary Ghattas, Agora University
Syriac Canonical Tradition: Particularity Beyond Empire
Daniel Kakish, Agora University
The Armenian Canons on Divorce: Old Principles in New Times
Roberta R. Ervine, St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, Armonk, NY
Seeking the Lost Sheep: The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church’s Mission to and Reception of the Rastafari
Gebre-Kristos Nicholas Siniari, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York and New England

2:00 – 4:00 pm
Session 3B: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Canonical Research
East Wing, Maliotis
Chair: Bartholomew Mercado
An Historical Theology of the “Work of Christ’s Diaconate” in the Vitae of St. Domnika
Laura Wilson, Antiochian House of Studies
Beautiful Tension: A Historical, Theological and Canonical Appraisal of Crossdressing Saints
Joseph Thornburg, St. Silouan Orthodox Church,
College Station, Texas
Considerations of Self-Defense in Orthodox Canon Law in Light of American Law and Culture
Kyle Sterner, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

4:00 – 4:15 pm
Atrium, Maliotis

4:15 – 6:15 pm
Session 4: Historical Approaches to Canon Law
Theater, Maliotis
Chair: Lewis Patsavos
The Trullan Canons and the End of the World
David Olster, University of Kentucky
Honoring the Wife: The history of Titles and Honorifics for Wives of Clergy
Sarah Ann Wagner-Wassen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Emperor Justinian's Legislation on Monks and Monasteries in Patriarch Nikon's book of Kormchaia
Anna Vankova, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences

6:30 – 8:00 pm
OCLS Business Dinner
Atrium, Maliotis


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